Category: Fettig, Art
Edison the Salesperson – by Art Fettig
Did you know that Thomas Edison began his business career selling newspapers, candy and fruit as a newsbutcher on the Grand Trunk Western Railroad? He learned to walk up and down the aisles practicing his selling skills and it was that talent of selling that he had developed that made him so successful.
A Mini-second Slower – by Art Fettig
I had a really nice visit with a friend of mine today who knows more about humor and comedy then anyone in this whole world that I know. We talked a few minutes about timing and in comedy the difference between a great laugh and a smile is just the matter of waiting a mini-second…
The fun in life comes from striving for excellence.
The fun in life comes from striving for excellence. The frustration comes from seeking perfection. Only God is perfect.
Talking Things Over – by Art Fettig
Sometimes when I am explaining something to a friend my thinking goes beyond its current state and moves on ahead. In other words, I improve on my own idea just by orally sharing it with someone else. Of course, there is always the possibility that the other party might add something and take you even…
A Part of Driver Training
A friend of mine told me this morning that she gave in to her sixteen-year-old twins pleading and loaned them her van to drive to the beach. Well, they rear ended a vehicle that stopped for the yellow light and her son was so busy watching the light that POW! He hit the car in…