Category: Fettig, Art
All About Art
In 1980, Art Fettig was certified as a “Speaking Professional” by the National Speakers Association. He is now a veteran of nearly 3,000 professional presentations to audiences around the world.
Andy Rooney
On October 2nd, 2011 Andy Rooney from the TV Show 60 Minutes retired. He was an inspiration too me because he always spoke his mind and then let the chips fall where they may.
Earlier this week I drove over to a little restaurant that is new in our area. Before I could open the door it swung open and a nice looking girl greeted me.
Courage – A Poem by Art Fettig
Courage—That stuff of which Heroes and heroines are made. God, I need a ton of it And more for what I must soon do.
Graj Sailin’ – by Greg Brayton and Art Fettig
From the album “Songs For Pathetic Lovers” featuring Greg Brayton and the songs of Art Fettig