Category: Fettig, Art
Operation Feint
It was mid October 1952 and I was an officer’s records clerk in the 99th Field Artillery, a private first class on a Landing Ship Troops (LST) headed towards North Korea.
Resources and Opportunities
“The greatest untapped resource we have in this world is the human potential.” I’ve said that many times in many situations and I’m not certain who said it first but it is a mighty challenging thought. When one gets in the upper ages one might ponder those paths untaken.
Just Say No Rap / Just Say Yes Rap
Art Fettig is a professional speaker and the author of 22 published books. His Three Robot series of books for children are based on three fictional robots’ names, Pos, Semi-Pos and Neg. Fettig’s goal and mission in life is to bring positive living concepts to children and their parents.
About Art Fettig
In 1980, Art Fettig was certified as a “Speaking Professional” by the National Speakers Association. He is now a veteran of nearly 3,000 professional presentations to audiences around the world.