Author: Staff
If You Want Your New Year to Be Happier, Focus on Being Kind – by Dr. Ross Reck
One thing that scientific research is very clear on is that relationships—warm personal relationships—make us happier and healthier. Research further points out that the frequency and quality of our interactions with other people are the two major predictors of our happiness.
Musical Enchantment
I sat down recently at my drum set upstairs and a memory flashed into my mind. I was 13, had met a new friend my age just two streets over and found out he was playing boogie woogie on his downstairs piano.
Drums, Tap Dancing and Life Saving
I was a Private E-2 in the US Army in 1951, just out of my basic training, and had just boarded a troop ship in Seattle headed for Korea with a stop off at Camp Drake at Yokohama in Japan. An announcement on the PA said that Special Services was conducting auditions for musicians and entertainers…
Something Good About This Mess
Ever since this Corona virus thing started I’ve been searching for how I can get something good out of this mess. I want to learn something I didn’t know, something I didn’t know about myself and about others.
FLASHBACK: Plaintiffs in Lawsuit Featured in Flagstaff Exhibit
Twenty women who have faced extraordinary challenges and have overcome hardships are profiled in a new documentary-style exhibit at Flagstaff’s Pioneer Museum. It’s called “Resilience: Women in Flagstaff’s Past and Present.”