Author: Staff
Putin is Pulling the Strings on Puppet Trump
The Weakness of Trump is now Showing on the International Stage
About Art Fettig
In 1980, Art Fettig was certified as a “Speaking Professional” by the National Speakers Association. He is now a veteran of nearly 3,000 professional presentations to audiences around the world.
Been Workin’ On The Railroad
On the morning of February 16th, 1948 l reported for work in the General Claims Department Office of the Grand Trunk Western Railroad in Detroit, Michigan. Thirty Five years later I retired from the GTWRR. I’d worked my way up to the job of Corporate Communications Officer, reporting directly to the railroad president.. When someone…
Let That Little Kid Come Out
Let that little kid come out in me Let me chase a butterfly let me climb a tree Let me mess my hair up and giggle out with glee Oh, let that little kid come out in me.
We Are All Somebody Special!
I must admit that I have been staring at this blank spot in this memo trying to fill it with something that might be appropriate for these challenging times.