Author: OperationsManager
Veterans in Arizona Celebrate Diversity
June was PRIDE Month, and VA takes pride in striving to improve the health and healthcare for LGBTQ+ Veterans. There are an estimated one million lesbian, gay, and bisexual Veterans in the United States. Research also shows that transgender identity is about five times more common among Veterans than non-Veterans.
Need Pro-Choice Help?
The majority of Americans are devasted by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Re v. Wade.
Connert Media Supports H.R.2584 – Judiciary Act of 2021
This bill increases from 9 to 13 the number of Justices on the Supreme Court.
Government Forced Childbirth
If the United States Government or a specific State Government is going to force you to have an unwanted children, the Government now needs to support the child through its entire adolescent life probably through the age of twenty-six.
Okay, Anti-Choice Folks! Let’s Talk About Foster Care
If you want the world full of unwanted kids, why don’t you step up to the plate and consider Foster Care and Adoption.