Author: OperationsManager
The U.S. Is Turning into the Wild West
As deaths mount from gun-related violence in the U.S., so do the sales of firearms, according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Data from 2020 shows how gun production has increased nearly threefold over the past 20 years, rising from the manufacture of 3.9 million guns in 2000 to…
Supreme Court – Independent State Legislature Thery
The Republican Party is pushing the nonsensical “independent state legislature theory,” which could give state legislatures complete control of congressional redistricting and federal elections. Under their theory, it is possible that neither governors, nor courts, nor independent commissions get any say in the process.
Anti-Trumpers in Scottsdale, Arizona
Yup, even in the purple state of Arizona, there are those who hate Trump.
University Lutheran Church, Tempe, Arizona
Your donations, whether financial or your time and talents, helps the church achieve its mission.
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