Author: OperationsManager
The Two Faces of Sinema
U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, the Arizona Democrat who single-handedly thwarted her party’s longtime goal of raising taxes on wealthy investors, received nearly $1 million over the past year from private equity professionals, hedge fund managers and venture capitalists whose taxes would have increased under the plan.
Republicans Want to Defund Your Public Libraries
This can’t be real! But it is TRUE. Gutting public schools, targeting booksellers, shutting down libraries: Every censorship tactic is on the table.
Why Do the Republicans Want to Destroy the Climate?
As this infographic using Rapid Energy Policy Evaluation and Analysis Toolkit (REPEAT) estimates shows, while annual net greenhouse gas emissions are forecast to be significantly lower by 2030 than they would be if the country’s current policies were maintained, the target is still well out of reach. expects emissions to come closer to the desired…
Things that Happen Out of the Ordinary Can Really Perk Us Up by Ross Reck
We haven’t had any appreciable rain where I live in quite a few months, and it’s been very hot as well. Last night, things finally changed—we got a downpour along with a noticeable drop in the temperature. This morning when I went on my walk, the first thing I noticed is that everyone I met…
Sinema, Kyrsten (D-AZ)
Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona said that she’ll sign on to the Democrats’ climate bill—after advocating for a few adjustments that she apparently didn’t care to explain to anyone.