Author: OperationsManager
Catholic Governors Turn Their Backs on Their Faith
Three prominent, right-wing, Catholic governors — Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, and Doug Ducey of Arizona — have been making headlines for brazenly abusing migrants to score political points. And the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) hasn’t said a word about these shockingly cruel attacks on migrant families.
Restaurant Servers Remember Kind Customers by Ross Reck
Recently, my wife Marcia and I had dinner at a restaurant called Zinburger. We love going there, but for a number of reasons we hadn’t been there in nearly five months. We always try to show kindness to the servers because it’s a busy place and they have to hustle to keep up. When the…
Mastriano, Doug
“Reporters unearthed previous comments from Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, who angrily claimed that the Bible forbids Christians from criticizing elected officials like himself. Mastriano is wrong. It is precisely because of our Christian faith that we criticize him for twisting the Gospel, attacking equal rights, and supporting the January 6 insurrection. But it’s not…
Abbott, Greg (Governor R-TX)
“Florida Governor Ron DeSantis joined Texas Governor Greg Abbott in the racist political stunt of cruelly flying migrants and asylum seekers to other states, even lying to trick families onto the planes. Both men talk frequently about their faith.”[efn_note]Faithful America, September 17, 2022 – Email Newsletter[/efn_note]