Author: OperationsManager
What the Media Gets Wrong
The main stream media tries very hard to get the facts correct but every once in while they get it wrong.
How The Republicans are Trying To Destroy Your Voting Rights
The ISL theory opens the door for power grabs by anti-democratic advocates and elected officials in other gerrymandered states. By claiming that state legislatures have exclusive power over federal elections, extremists in Republican state legislatures could effectively nullify state constitutional provisions that protect voters.
Veteran Discounts
Save money this with a variety of discounts. Enjoy deals on clothing, electronics, fitness, food, and more—all available to Veterans, service members, and their families and caregivers.
Fake Lake Draws Fire from Federal Judge
More embarrassment for the State of Arizona from the mini-Trump personality by the name of Kari Lake, a former news-reader and “sort-of” TV personality attempting to create a baseless suit.
Being Thankful Changes the Way We See the World by Ross Reck
David R. Henson made a post to his blog that that grabbed my attention, and I would like to share part of it with you. “Studies show that spending time counting our blessings, keeping a gratitude journal, or writing letters of thanksgiving to our family, friends and mentors is one of the most reliable ways…