Author: OperationsManager
Save Our Public Schools – Dump the Unconstitutional Voucher System
Republicans Want to Destroy our Public Schools in Arizona Hobbs last week unveiled her budget, headlined by a plan to repeal the universal voucher program and revert to the more limited program that serves about 12,000 Arizona students. That move, along with ending results-based funding for high-performing schools, would add nearly $200 million to the…
Arizona’s Marriage Equality Lawsuit Timeline
The Plaintiffs Fight for Equality in Arizona Joseph Connolly and Terrel L. Pochert; Suzanne Cummins and Holly N. Mitchell; Clark Rowley and David Chaney; R. Mason Hite IV and Christopher L. Devine; Meagan and Natalie Metz; Renee Kaminski and Robin Reece; Jeffrey Ferst and Peter Bramley. Case No. 2:14-cv-00024-JWS February 10, 2014 – Amended Complaint…