Author: OperationsManager
So You “Think” You Are A Christian?
You can’t turn your back on the poor, the sick, the hungry, frightened, or desperate people seeking asylum at our border and still call yourself a pro-life Christian.
I Was Born in Bad Axe, Michigan
As a youngster born in Hubbard Hospital, I’m always proud to know that Bad Axe has some incredible neighbors during difficult times. Here is an amazing film that we encourage everyone to Rent/Buy and watch.
Gender Discrimination in the Catholic Church
Rules in the Catholic Church are applied differently for men and women. A father can create a child out of marriage and keep HIS job, but a woman who creates a child out of marriage GETS FIRED.
John Pavlovitz: An Apology to My Daughter
Every time I try to find the words to talk about this to you, they jumble all together, swelling up and getting stuck in my throat. Tears quickly well up in my eyes, and all I can manage is a barely audible, “I’m sorry.”
Kindness Always Makes Things Better by Ross Reck
I came across a story by Ryan Katz and Tara Boyle posted on that dealt with Stephanie Cole’s first day on her very first job as a teenager. It was the height of the Christmas shopping rush, and she was working as a retail clerk in a busy department store in Los Angeles during…