Author: OperationsManager
A decade or two ago when I was on the road speaking a lot I used to go to bed early and plan to rehearse speech segments in my mind. I would actually see myself out on a stage delivering prepared material.
If You Think Winning the Lottery Will Make You Happy, Read This – by Dr. Ross Reck
Surgeon General, Vivek H. Murthy, posted the following personal story in the New York Times: “A patient of mine once shared with me a most unusual story. He had worked for years in the food industry with a modest salary and humble lifestyle.
In God We Trust
I’m sitting here at my desk in my office in my home here in the quiet woods in Hillsborough, North Carolina and I seem to be lost for the right words. I have written this segment again and again.These are troubled days for all Americans.
I Didn’t Do It!
Did you ever do anything in your lifetime so much better than you ever did it before that you couldn’t understand it? My son Dan hit a hole in one on the golf course where he plays regularly in Battle Creek, Michigan. He was absolutely amazed and so was his golfing partner.
If You’re Having a Bad Day, Step Back and Rewrite the Script – by Dr. Ross Reck
A friend of mine gave me this advice when I was having a bad day. What she meant was, instead of whining or playing the victim when you’re having a bad day, step back, take a deep breath, and say to yourself, “I’m going to rewrite the rest of today’s script.”