Author: OperationsManager
Invest In Relationships – by Ross Reck
Several years ago, when I was conducting a seminar in Atlanta, one of the participants stood up and asked, “how come there aren’t more millionaires?” As I mulled this question around in my mind, it began to occur to me that the reason there aren’t more millionaires, or highly successful people in any endeavor for that…
Being Kind Allows You to be You – By Ross Reck
Being kind allows you to be the real and complete you—open, honest, transparent, and free. You have no need to be validated because you’re confident in who you are—you are kind. There is no need to play games, no need to impress people, no need to try to be someone you’re not and no need…
Overcoming Our Fear of Talking to Strangers – By Ross Reck
Paul Nicolaus posted a fascinating article titled, “Want to Feel Happier Today? Try Talking to a Stranger,” on According to the article, talking to strangers puts us in a better mood, makes us feel more connected to our community and improves our level of happiness. Despite these benefits, Mr. Nicolaus points out that many of…
Deficit Spending: Trump Left Office with the Largest Peacetime Budget Deficit in US History
A right-leaning think tank, the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, states that the in 2020 the Trump deficit reached $3 trillion dollars. This deficit accounted for 14.9% of the economy.
TMJ Vitamin and Supplement Recommendations
TMJ issues plague many folks on a regular basis. When TMJ is minor, vitamins and supplements may help when the situation is minor and temporary.