Author: OperationsManager
An Example of a Great Attitude – by Dr. Ross Reck
A friend of mine made the following post on Facebook recently about her drive from the east coast to San Diego. It’s an excellent example of a great attitude. “I just finished driving across this beautiful country of ours—what a thrill!! The majority of drivers were courteous and yet too many were driving dangerously aggressive.
Grot, Stanly – FAKE Elector
Michigan Elections Director Jonathan Brater Thursday sent an official letter informing Stanley Grot, a longtime Republican politician, that he is being relieved of duties related to elections administration while the criminal case against him plays out.
Tips For the Frequent Flyer
Find that aisle or window seat. A great website that notifies you when folks on your schedule flight change seats or cancel their trips leaving their previously selected seat open.
Where Are The Best Seats on My Flight?
Tripadvisor has an incredible website which shows you where the best seats are on specific flights.
HRC Gala 2015 – Joe Connolly & Terry Pochert
Recognizing Arizona heroes who have moved equality forward. HRC is the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization. Our lawyer, Shawn Aiken, receiving the Human Rights Campaign Arizona’s Corporate Equality Award on behalf of his firm, Aiken Schenk Attorneys at Law. Shawn and his team fought tirelessly for Marriage Equality here in…