Author: OperationsManager
The Foundation of a Meaningful Life – by Dr. Ross Reck
In their book, The Good Life, Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz point out that human beings are social creatures which means that each of us, as individuals, cannot provide everything we need for ourselves.
Even Rubio Seems to have Lost his Spine
Rubio sat spineless during Trump’s and Vance’s meltdown in the oval office, then has the “guts” to post the following. Thanks Rep. Eric Swalwell for casting a spotlight on the REAL Rubio.
Don’t Let Other People Talk You Out of Your Dream – by Dr. Ross Reck
Sometimes, when you share a dream that you’re excited about with those around you, you’ll find their responses to be less than encouraging.
Trump Sold Out America
Russia’s greatest military asset is not any bomb, tank, plane or ship. It is the Republican Party.
Is Obergefell v Hodges Going to be Overturned?
Michigan Representative Josh Schriver is set to introduce a resolution urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, which has protected the right to same-sex marriage since 2015.