Talking Things Over – by Art Fettig

Children Reading
See if your own idea doesn’t improve just in the sharing …

Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo

Originally published on May 13th, 2009
In This Issue

o Talking Things Over
o Say Something Good
o Points To Ponder
o A Little Humor
o Quote of the Week

Talking Things Over

Sometimes when I am explaining something to a friend my thinking goes beyond its current state and moves on ahead. In other words, I improve on my own idea just by orally sharing it with someone else. Of course, there is always the possibility that the other party might add something and take you even further down the road to discovery. Maybe this is just another extension to the “Give to Get” concept. Charlie Jones taught this to me and it seems to work nearly every time I try it. Charlie said “You’ve got to give to get. Give to get. Give to get. But do not just give to get.

When you do that you are just trading, not giving. So you must learn to give to get just for the joy of giving. Then, most of the time you get.” I have tried writing about this concept and trying to explain it but I seriously doubt that anyone ever really caught on to what I was talking about. If they did they would run out and try it right away and not just once but again and again.

It just isn’t easy to learn how to give things away just for the pure joy of giving them away. Somehow, I believe, we just naturally believe that getting is a darn sight better than giving. Do me a favor. No better yet, do yourself a real favor and try it. Give away an idea if nothing else. See if your own idea doesn’t improve just in the sharing and then let me know how it works out. Gee it would be great to share an idea like this one and lead to you the reader’s breakthrough in some area.

Say Something Good

Country Road. Yesterday my wife Jean and I were driving down an old country road looking for a church meeting site where I would be delivering a humor talk next week.  As I was thinking about all of the picturesque country roads in this area and I thought about John Denver’s song Country Road.   There has been a heap of living that has gone on along those roads in the past and it is calming and rewarding just to take a slow drive down a country road and thinking about old times. May God bless urban and rural America and keep our troops from harm.

Points To Ponder

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

A Little Humor

As I get older, I listen to my Mother when she calls me. Mother nature that is.

Quote of the Week

There will always be a sacrifice required for results. It is the early bird who gives up sleeping in to get the worm. To get what you want, right on the heels of deciding what that is, you must also decide what you will do in exchange for the results you desire. James R. Ball
