Art Fettig Nugget: Among My Souvenirs

…see over fifty eagles on display and they bring me such happy memories.

Fifty Eagles

Years ago, singer Connie Francis had a hit song with the above title and it was a sad song about a broken heart. Today as I sit at my computer I can swing around in my fine chair and see over fifty eagles on display and they bring me such happy memories. My office is crammed full of wonderful souvenirs and glorious memories. One of the book cases has four shelves of the books I’ve written and a stack of the CD’s containing all of the songs I have written. There is a wall full of plaques and medals and other paraphernalia including a diplomat signed by Dr. Scholl certifying that I was qualified to fit his foot appliances. At one time in my career as a speaker I was known as “Mr. Lucky of the American Platform.”  Sometimes I tend to forget just how lucky I have been in my life and how extremely lucky I am today to live in America and enjoy the good life of growing older here in North Carolina.

Sometimes it is a temptation to see a glass of water as half empty instead of half full. We are sometimes tempted to look for the things we have lost instead of those we have gained.  I think I will dedicate one day a week as “Count your blessings day.”  I will set out to enjoy all that is good and plentiful in my life..the comfort of a warm bed at night, a hot meal, the joy of family and good neighbors and friends…and oh, that blessed joy of souvenirs and memories.


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