Arizona Equality Home Section | When They Stopped Waiting Article | Press Kit
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Seven plaintiff couples and the legal team who filed suit on January 6, 2014 to overturn Arizona’s ban on same sex marriage applaud and support the seven plaintiff couples, two surviving spouses and Lambda Legal in their parallel March 13, 2014 filing. Our separate yet parallel efforts to overturn discriminatory Arizona laws targeting the LGBTQ community are a testament to our resolve for our freedom and to fight for equality, for those that can, those who cannot, and those who have gone before us.
The following article: Arizona Star coverage by Howard Fischer, Capitol Media Services.
Peter Bramley and Jeffrey Ferst, plaintiffs in our case are mentioned later in the article, “In a similar suit filed in U.S. District Court in Phoenix, defendants also seek to end the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. That lawsuit says state laws banning gay marriage violate the equal-protection and due-process clauses of 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Attorneys in the case argue Arizona’s 1996 law banning the marriage of two same-sex people and a 2008 ballot question that defined marriage as a union of one man and one woman be enjoined from further enforcement. Despite arguments that voters legally approved the 2008 measure from advocacy groups responsible for the ballot question, plaintiffs said the courts are obligated to protect residents from unjust legislative acts and voter initiatives. Tucson couple Peter Bramley and Jeffrey Ferst joined that suit as plaintiffs in February after unsuccessfully trying to get a marriage license in Pima County Superior Court. Six other couples from across the state also joined in that case. Judge John Sedwick has asked for a report on the status of that case by April 1.”
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