Most Americans Don’t Want the Wall

Brick Wall - Border WallCan you imagine what 80 billion dollars can do to provide infrastructure for the United States, improve electronic surveillance of our borders, hire additional manpower for security, etc.

Of course, Mexico WILL NOT pay for it.  Don’t fool yourself.

People who leave near the border don’t want it. [1]



“If we have to close down our government,” President Trump said at his rally in Phoenix on August 22, 2017, “we’re building that wall.”

  1., November 22, 2016 – Americans who live near border say Trump’s wall is unwelcome
  2. Pew Research Center, February 24, 2017 – Most Americans continue to oppose U.S. border wall, doubt Mexico would pay for it
  3. Think Progress, April 6, 2017, Esther Yu His Lee – Majority of Americans oppose funding Trump’s border wall – The wall likely won’t stretch ‘sea to shining sea.’


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