A Whole New Look

Thoughts and Creative Nuggets that Change People’s Lives
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Art Fettig - Safety Pledge

Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo
November 9, 2009
In This Issue
o  A Whole New Look
o Say Something Good
o Visit Our Website
o Points To Ponder
o A Little Humor
o Quote of the Week

A Whole New Look
Did you ever go to describe something to somebody and as you did so you got a whole new look at what you were describing?  That happened to me the other day when I had breakfast with a booking agent. We were discussing my new character “Almost Andy” and he asked me what I had been up to before this. I was describing what I had been doing for the past thirty plus years in the Safety field.  I said this, “Through the mixture of humor, enthusiasm, pathos, logic, a smattering of patriotism, plus just good common sense I had learned how to go into an organization and in the span of a one hour presentation to win a personal signed commitment to positive interaction from everyone in that organization and with the demonstration of my 101 hand signal I make it possible for everyone to interact in a positive manner by just bending their index finger.

“Does it do any good?” He asked. And I explained how it had turned whole organizations around including those in the automotive, petrol, power, construction and at some locations, even our armed forces. And further I told him that many organizations had done this simply using a video of this presentation. 

Then something else happened this week. I talked with a lady with a firm I had made a presentation for in 1991. They taped my presentation and each year they show that video to every employee and make a recommitment to safety and each year they distribute two of my booklets to each worker. With my permission, this year they translated the booklets into Spanish and they are distributing booklets to every employee.

You know how sometimes two or three things happen at once and they all seem to fit together?  Well, I was looking for a particular video among my CD’s and I came upon a Declaration of Interdependence video we had created for a client some time ago.  It was the same as that presentation I’d made for that client I just told you about.and it is a DVD.  I look like a young kid in it.  Well, I watched it and I thought it was pretty good. In fact, I believe that if someone  showed it to their  entire work force and then had them sign this Declaration of Interdependence for Safety document and then followed up with the booklets they just might realize a dramatic change in the attitude and performance of their entire organization towards safety. Every now and then I hear from someone who says that they too use my video every year and start out the new year with a recommitment to safety. It is kind of a good feeling to know that my work goes on and on and on.   .  
Say Something Good
Mayberry. It isn’t a real place but an army of loyal fans visit Mayberry on a daily basis.  Mayberry existed only in the minds of the creators of The Andy Griffith Show which made its debut some forty nine years ago on TV and it has been showing continuously since then.  Mayberry is a place where people love one another and who try to understand and help out with one another’s daily problems. Otis, the town drunk locks himself up when he has had too much to drink instead of driving down their roads endangering others.  Deputy Barney has just one silver bullet and he carried it in his shirt pocket. Andy, the sheriff does not carry a gun.  He can solve most any problem with some understanding and a kind word. There are no wars, no terrorists, no drugs, no crime, no unemployment, just good guys and good times. Wouldn’t it be nice, oh, wouldn’t it be loverly? No, there is no real Mayberry where we can hide out from the world’s problems and challenges.  I guess it is up to us to provide the love and happiness and goodness we might find there in our own actions towards one another each day in the here and now.  May God bless America and keep our troops from harm. 
Visit Our Website
Learn about our sensational new 101 Kit that allows you to save thousands on speaker and travel fees and implement our fantastic employee positive interaction 101 program yourself.  It is an instant behavior modification commitment program that gets everyone in your organization involved in safety. Remember, you have a ten day money back guarantee too.  Act now!  and we will include my comprehensive 420 page book Winning the Safety Commitment as a bonus.
Points To Ponder
The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you lived, and lived well. Ralph Waldo Emerson
A Little Humor 
Bumper snickers.  “I’m out of estrogen and I have a gun.”  “I’ve got ‘er floored.  Pass on left.” *I’ll die for my right to carry a gun and fire it on the Expressway.”
Quote of the Week
Unhappy is the man, though he rule the world, who doesn’t consider himself supremely blessed. Marcus Annaeus Seneca

Recommended Reading

Art Fettig's The Platinum Rule
Art Fettig’s The Platinum Rule – Available from Amazon.com

The Platinum Rule by Art Fettig

The Age Old Secret to Happiness and Prosperity. If you believe in the Golden Rule then, just maybe, you are one of those fortunate few who are ready to take a giant step forwaqrd in your lives to fame, fortune and a great new plateau of personal satisfaction.

Art Fettig has identified a little known key to wealth and happiness in his book The Platinum rule. I hope that millions of people discover this little book and apply this giving formula. Trul their lives will be enriched and certainly this will be a better world.” – The Wickman Formula, Executive Press 1991


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