A Great Summary of the History of Israel-Palestine Conflict

This YouTube Video Give a Great Summary in just Eleven Minutes


“In the 17 centuries BC, following the call of God, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob settled in Canaan, later known as the Land of Israel. In 1000 BC, King Saul established the Israelite monarchy, which was later split into the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah. The conquest of Roman Empire in 63 BC gave the name “Palestine” to Judah. During this time, Christianity became a dominant religion towards the end of the Roman Empire. In 636 came an Arab conquest, beginning the spread of Islam. In the 11th century, Christians in Europe launched several crusades to bring the Holy City back to the hand of the Christians while from the 16th century, more and more Jews were joining a movement called Zionism aiming to create a Jewish national state in its ancient homeland.” [efn_note]History on Maps, July 30, 2021 – History of Israel-Palestine Conflict[/efn_note]


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