Art Fettig, “The World At Our Fingertips”

Dove - A World of Peace
I wish I could just send out a memo on the Internet and declare peace for all as a special Christmas blessing.

The other day I heard from a friend in Australia who reads this newsletter. It brought home to me the fact that with the Internet, the whole world is right there at our fingertips. I had an e-mail with photo attachments from a friend in China just two weeks ago. Until I went to the Far East to fight a war at the age of twenty-one, the farthest I had ever been from our home in Detroit was to a beach near Toronto, Ontario.That experience sure broadened my horizons and when I began traveling to Europe with airline passes I felt that I surged light years ahead in my outlook. You’d think that with our modern means of communication we might do a better job of getting along with one another. The war goes on and I haven’t even a clue how we might declare peace and bring the troops home. The one major thing that was not achieved on my wish list again this year was world peace. I just don’t understand why we can find peace for everyone in this world but l’ll sure pray for it on a continuing basis. I wish I could just send out a memo on the Internet and declare peace for all as a special Christmas blessing. [efn_note]Art Fettig, November 30, 2009 – The World At Our Fingertips[/efn_note]


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