Where Is The Love?


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Recently in an exercise class we were requested to stand behind our chairs and march in place. It is strange how old memories come back. As I marched I recalled a parade I marched in July 4th, 1952 as a PFC in the U.S. Army. Recalling that event a few years ago I wrote this.

Where is the love?
by Art Fettig

Oh, I marched in that long parade
Along with my fellow G. I’s.
In Sapporo Japan, so many years ago
And when we finally halted in their square
Our Army band Played “Oh Beautiful, for spacious skies…
America, America, God shed His grace on thee”.

And I stood so tall
So proud to be an American,
How I loved my country
And that was oh so long, so long ago
And times have changed so
Still, I stand as tall as I can
I put my hand on my heart and look around me
And I ask quietly,“Where is the love?”


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