Capitalize On Your Moments Of Truth – by Dr. Ross Reck

Standing Ovation

Travel Luggage

A moment of truth is an opportunity to come through when the people around you don’t expect you to. I was on a Hertz Rental Car bus in Chicago one time when a pregnant woman traveling with three kids and six suitcases was about to get off. Instead of merely unloading her suitcases onto the street, the driver carried them several hundred feet and loaded them onto a Smarte Carte, which he paid for with his own money. Everyone on the bus was so impressed that when the driver returned, they gave him a rousing standing ovation. During the remainder of the ride, that’s all everyone talked about. So, the next time you’re presented with a moment of truth, make the most of it. You’ll earn the respect of those around you and the next time you ask one of these people for a favor, you can bet their answer will be an enthusiastic yes. – Ross Reck


Recommended Reading

100% Employee Engagement--Guaranteed! Revised Edition: Introducing a New Management Mode
100% Employee Engagement–Guaranteed! Revised Edition: Introducing a New Management Mode – Available from

100% Employee Engagement–Guaranteed! Revised Edition: Introducing a New Management Model

Imagine a workplace where every employee is engaged with their work … where every employee shows up each day excited about giving every bit of energy, creativity and passion to performing their job. These employees don’t need to be motivated because they already are and they channel their motivation toward creating a competitive edge for their company that can’t be easily copied. They’re constantly making innovative changes to products, services and customer experiences while providing superior levels of customer service which results in loyal customers. This means higher levels of repeat and referral business which, in turn, translates into significant increases in market share. In addition, absenteeism and turnover rates for these fully engaged employees are far below industry averages because they absolutely love what they do. This book presents a new management model that guarantees an employee engagement level of 100%. If you implement this model in your organization, every one of your employees will become engaged with their work; all working at their full potential. Think of what it would mean to the success of your business or organization if you could get all of your employees engaged with their work.


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