Plaintiffs George Martinez and Fred McQuire (collectively, “Plaintiffs”) hereby move for a preliminary injunction pursuant to Federal Rule Civil of Procedure 65

Case No. 2:14-cv-00518-JWS

Case No. 2:14-cv-00518-JWS

Plaintiffs George Martinez and Fred McQuire (collectively, “Plaintiffs”) hereby move for a preliminary injunction pursuant to Federal Rule Civil of Procedure 65.

Plaintiffs seek a preliminary injunction prohibiting Defendants Michael K. Jeanes, Will Humble, and David Raber (collectively “Defendants”) from enforcing as against them Arizona’s constitutional and statutory marriage restrictions that prevent the State from honoring the marriage, they validly entered in California last month, and they seek an order declaring their marriage valid for all purposes under Arizona law and requiring the State to recognize it accordingly.

The motion is based upon the following memorandum of points and authorities, the accompanying declarations of George Martinez and Fred McQuire, and such further evidence and arguments as may be presented.[efn_note]Case No. 2:14-cv-00518-JWS (PDF)[/efn_note]


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