Gun Violence: A Truly Tragic Milestone

AR-15 Style Guns

Read the full article at Faithful America

“This summer, the United States passed a truly tragic milestone: A gunman in Texas committed our country’s 400th mass shooting in 2023 — with five long months left to go in the year.

The political response is predictable: Republicans infuriatingly offer “thoughts and prayers,” but nothing else. Prayer can be a holy and beautiful start when it inspires action — but when it’s abused as a lazy, blasphemous excuse NOT to act, then it’s nothing more than taking the Lord’s name in vain.

Last week, more than 100 members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy demanding a vote on gun violence legislation, including an assault-weapons ban. But MAGA Republicans and the religious right keep doubling down on violent gun culture, no matter how many people get hurt or killed.

As mass gun violence continues to increase nationwide, far too many of us find ourselves living in fear — or grieving for lost friends, family, and community members. We need the federal government to step in and take action.

Banning assault weapons saves lives. According to a study conducted by injury epidemiologists and trauma surgeons at New York University, the 1994 federal assault-weapons ban reduced the risk of death from mass shooting by 70%. Both the number of deaths and the number of annual incidents decreased significantly.”[efn_note]Faithful America, August 10, 2023 – Tell Congress: Christians demand an assault-rifle ban[/efn_note]