No Road is Long with Good Company by Dr. Ross Reck

Long Road

The above is an old Turkish proverb that I came across on Facebook recently. Picture yourself taking a car trip by yourself across the entire country. Such a trip would be long, tedious, and boring as you watch the mileposts slowly pass by. Taking that same trip, on the other hand, with a friend turns the trip into a pleasant, fast-moving adventure as you take in the sights and experience the rest areas, cities, hotels, and restaurants along the way. At the end of the day, you can discuss the highlights of the day’s episodes with each other like the fantastic hot fudge sundae you had for dessert. The same is true for life in general. If you choose to go it alone, it can be a lonely, boring, and tedious journey. But, if you surround yourself with friends, the experience becomes an exciting, dynamic, and memorable adventure that you never want to see end.
