Being Thankful Changes the Way We See the World by Ross Reck

Thank You

“David R. Henson made a post to his blog that that grabbed my attention, and I would like to share part of it with you. “Studies show that spending time counting our blessings, keeping a gratitude journal, or writing letters of thanksgiving to our family, friends and mentors is one of the most reliable ways to lift our mood and transform our outlook on life…. The antidote to fear isn’t courage. The antidote to worry isn’t faith. The antidote to anxiety isn’t a devil-may-care attitude. Rather, the antidote, I believe, is gratitude. It’s thanksgiving. Something profound and transformative happens when we give thanks and live our lives in gratitude…. And if we make a lifelong practice of it, it fundamentally shifts the way we view the world.”” – Ross Reck
